Author: Sami Reed

  • Frozen Planet 2: Edutainment for the Whole Family

    Frozen Planet 2: Edutainment for the Whole Family

    I have always have a soft spot for educational programming of all kinds. I struggle to get my family watch with me, but recently I had success with BBCs 2022 “Frozen Planet 2

    I will confess. I didn’t spring it on them right away. I watched the entire six-episode series all by myself before trying it out on my fam.

    I pay $8.99/month for Discovery Plus, and this series is one of the perks.

    I was using it primarily to relax before bed. In fact, I often fell asleep to Dr. Attenborough’s soothing voice.

    But as a family, we have a few go-to types of things we watch. Mostly not educational programming unless I force it.

    My wife has expressed a desire for the educational programming I sometimes do force to be of a different nature. Maybe not super nerdy. Maybe not crazy ideas about the universe or super dry technical stuff.

    Maybe not The Great Courses 29 lecture course “The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-Being“, by Harvard Professor Ronald D. Siegel, Psy.D.

    Yeah. I made them watch that. It did not go well.

    I will say, over the years one hit with my son was MythBusters. Another that my wife and son watched mostly without me was Shark Tank.

    My son liked Shark Tank so much that I actually took him out of school one day to go to an event held by Mr. Wonderful. That was disillusioning.

    I vividly recall Kevin O’Leary, standing in front of a large group in a community college auditorium asking essentially, “Now who’s ready to invest? Come on up with your checkbooks.”

    I was astonished as a long line of people went up to the front, paying many thousands of dollars to get in on his “opportunity.” That whole thing seemed like a scam, and my opinion of Mr. Wonderful has not been so wonderful since.

    Anyhow, I managed to get my family to watch Frozen Planet 2. We’ve never watched the original 2011 Frozen Planet. You don’t need to see the original to understand the sequel.

    Having been to Sea World a few times here in San Diego, I found the orcas interesting, and my wife and son really appreciated Attenborough’s exploration into their complex hunting behaviors.

    My wife liked the part where the hundred-year-old matriarch of the pod led the ingenious plan to flush the seals off their floating ice shelters.

    My son was amazed at the footage they managed to capture. He asked great questions like “How do they even get footage like this? They must be waiting forever.”

    Of the penguins who must walk 30 miles to the ocean, crossing many hazards, he asked, “How do they even know which way to go?”

    Frozen Planet II graphic and screenshot of Siberian Tiger

    My son also developed some concern for the fate of the female albatrosses, who, based on their migratory patterns are selectively impacted by fishing equipment. This leaves the males without enough life-long monogamous partners—well… … sorta.

    Of course, the struggles of polar bears are gripping. But then there is an amazing moment when a lone male encounters a lone female, and they just play for the day. They slide playfully on ice and just have fun for a few hours. Then they go their separate ways.

    My son was amazed to see real footage of narwhals swimming in their natural icy ocean habitat. He had always thought they were as mythical as unicorns.

    Every episode has captivating imagery.

    My wife has expressed multiple times that she really enjoys this series and has recommended watching another episode more than once for entertainment.

    I usually have to pull out a favor to get them to watch edutainment. This one, the wife asks for by name, and the son not only tolerates it, but appreciates it.

    Frozen Planet 2 is mesmerizing and fascinating for all of us.

    In all honesty, there is a point where the slow pace and the soothing narration has put my son to sleep a few times. I think that’s mostly a good thing. The kid needs to get to bed earlier.

    I myself don’t mind this soothing way of nodding off either.